Welcome to Aoife's Notes

Prescribed Poetry.

Aoife O'Driscoll - Poetry of Derek Mahon

Bishop - 'First Death in Nova Scotia', 'The Fish', 'The Prodigal', 'The Filling Station'.

Bishop - In The Waiting Room

Bishop - In the Waiting Room -Highlighted Quotes

Bishop - Questions of Travel

Bishop - Themes

Bishop -The Fish - Highlighted Quotes

Bishop, Elizabeth - Poetry Slideshow - Aoife O'Driscoll

Boland - Love - Highlighted Quotes

Boland - Love - PDF of Slideshow

Boland - Love - Slideshow

Boland - Sample Answer 2001

Boland - The Famine Road

Boland - The War Horse

Boland - This Moment, Child of Our Time, Love

Christmas Test 2010 - Sample Answers

Donne - Approaching 2008 LC Question

Donne - The Sun Rising

Donne - Thou hast made me

Donne, John - Slideshow - Aoife O'Driscoll

Durcan - Highlighted Quotes - Father’s Day

Durcan - Approaching the Essay

Durcan - Highlighted Quotes from Parents

Durcan - Highlighted Quotes from The Difficulty that is Marriage

Durcan - Overview - Slideshow

Durcan - Parents and En Famille

Durcan - Sport - Highlighted quotes to learn

Durcan - Sport

Durcan - The Difficulty that is Marriage - Notes

Durcan - The Difficulty that is Marriage - PDF of Slideshow

Durcan - Wife Who Smashed Television Gets Jail

Durcan - Windfall, 8 Parnell Hill, Cork

Durcan Father’s Day - Slideshow of Questions for Discussion

Durcan Highlighted Quotes - Windfall

Eliot - Aunt Helen

Frost - Acquainted With The Night

Frost - Approaching the Essay

Frost - Design

Frost - Mending Wall

Frost - The Road Not Taken

Frost - The Tuft of Flowers Highlighted Quotes

Frost - The Tuft of Flowers

Frost- ''Out, Out - ''

Frost- Out, Out - Highlighted Quotes

Heaney - Bogland

Heaney - Highlighted Quotes The Skunk

Heaney - Highlighted Quotes from The Underground

Heaney - Highlighted Quotes from The Underground

Heaney - Planning the Essay

Heaney - The Harvest Bow

Heaney - The Skunk

Heaney -The Underground Notes

Heaney A Constable Calls

Heaney essay plan and introduction

Hopkins - Inversnaid - Slideshow

Hopkins - No Worst, There Is None - Slideshow

Hopkins - Pied Beauty - Slideshow

Hopkins - Pied Beauty

Hopkins - Spring - Slideshow

Hopkins - Spring - Notes

Hopkins Inversnaid

Kavanagh, Patrick - Slideshow - All Poems


Keats - On First Looking Into Chapman's Homer

Keats, On First Looking Into Chapman's Homer AND La Belle Dame Sans Merci

Keats, When I Have Fears That I May Cease To Be

Key Literary Terms

Larkin - 2012 Essay Plan

Larkin - An Arundel Tomb

Larkin - At Grass - Quotes highlighted

Larkin - At Grass

Larkin - Church Going

Larkin - Essay writing

Larkin - MCMXIV

Larkin At Grass

Larkin Church Going Focus on Tone

Larkin The Explosion and Ambulances

Mahon, Derek - All Poems - Slideshow

Meehan, Paula - All Poems - Slideshow

Montague - A Welcoming Party

Montague - Killing The Pig

Montague - Like Dolmens Round My Childhood

Montague - The Cage - Notes

Montague - The Locket

Montague - Windharp

Ni Chuilleanain - Fireman's Lift

Ni Chuilleanain - Highlighted Quotes - On Lacking the Killer Instinct

Ni Chuilleanain - Highlighted Quotes Fireman's Lift

Ni Chuilleanain - On Lacking the Killer Instinct

Ni Chuilleanain - Overview

Ni Chuilleanain - Questions on Fireman's Lift

Ni Chuilleanain - Street

Ni Chuilleanain - The Bend in the Road

Ni Chuilleanain - To Niall Woods

Ni Chuilleanain - Translation

Plath Poppies in July and Child

Rich - Aunt J Tigers Slideshow

Rich Three Poems

Van Gogh's Yellow Chair by Mark Roper

Wordsworth HL

Yeats - Approaching the Essay

Yeats - The Wild Swans At Coole Slideshow

Yeats 2015 Quotes
